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Hello friends, I am dedicating my first health and wellness post on one of my favorite cooking ingredients in the kitchen – the beautiful looking coriander (also called cilantro or Chinese parsley). This lovely medicinal herb is commonly used in Asian, Mexican and Mediterranean dishes, though it has garnered sharp reactions of like or dislike towards it due to its taste. 

Another reason why I planned on writing on coriander, is the insufficient knowledge people have about it. All I have seen is people using coriander in garnishing, making pastes, marinades, soups, chutneys, juices and recipes because of the flavor it brings and NOT because they truly know its benefits.
Again, I am no health practitioner or nutritionist. However, I have a keen interest in nutrition, health and wellness and regularly read a number of articles on them. My current topic of interest is coriander (referred as ‘dhania/dhaniya’ in Hindi) and I wanted my readers to know more about it. Hope this post gives you an insight regarding this lovely ingredient and you use it more effectively for the benefit of your body, skin, eyes and overall wellbeing.

Coriander Nutritional Value:

If you are a health freak, then you are surely going to love coriander. This is because coriander or your ‘hara dhania’ brings virtually no calorie or fat to the table. According to recognized medical sites, a person consuming 9 springs of coriander can gain only 5 calories. This is one of the reasons why coriander is increasingly used and recommended to people suffering from obesity or wanting to lose weight.

Regarding its nutritional value, coriander is rich in Vitamins A, K, C, E as well as folates, riboflavin, minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, iron and dietary fiber. Likewise, it is high in antioxidants and low in sodium. You can check the nutritional value of fresh coriander at USDA National Nutrient Database and find a detailed report on it. 

Coriander Health Benefits:

When you have a bundle of nutrients in a small bunch of fresh coriander, then you are sure to get a number of health benefits. And mind you, all these benefits come naturally, without you having to shell money on supplements or consuming health capsules.

1. Cholesterol free: Yes, you are reading it right. These green aromatic leaves are free of cholesterol but contain 11 important volatile oils, vitamins, dietary fiber and significant number of antioxidants. These help in reducing 'LDL' or more commonly referred to as ‘bad cholesterol’ in your blood.

2. Blood Pressure and Heart Health: Researchers have established that coriander does not just lower bad cholesterol, but its regular consumption also aids in lowering blood pressure (valuable for people suffering from hypertension). Controlling blood pressure and bad cholesterol is good for your cardiovascular health, as it lessens the chances of heart strokes and attacks.

3. Aids Diabetes Treatment: Coriander contains high amount of potassium and low sodium content. Additionally, it is good in lowering bad cholesterol. All these factors help to keep blood sugar level in check. That means, a person having diabetes or who is more at risk of acquiring diabetes must include cilantro in their diet. Coriander in fact has been found to be highly effective in treating diabetic patients.

4. Healthy Bones: For people with weak bones or ailments like osteoporosis, coriander is advisable. The minerals and calcium content present in the leaves of coriander are known to prevent degradation of bones, aid bone re-growth and durability.

5. Counters Stomach Problems: Bloating, flatulence, indigestion and heartburn are some common problems countered in day-to-day life. Coriander has a good amount of dietary fiber and is known for its carminative properties. These essential nutrients help our digestive tract to release needed digestive enzymes and juices thereby countering problems like gassiness, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and unsettled stomach effectually. 

6. Detoxifies Metal Toxins: Coriander is known to have detoxing abilities against heavy metal toxins. Metal toxins which might have entered our body through food, water, smoking, over-the counter drugs, vaccines and so on, can lead to serious issues like infertility, heart ailments, hormonal imbalance and kidney/lung related diseases. Coriander contains varied chemical components and compounds that bind these toxins together and remove them from the plagued tissues by loosening them. 

7. Heals Mouth Ulcers: Coriander also possesses antiseptic properties. Be it slight wounds or ulcers in your mouth, the components in coriander act as a healing agent in curing these oral issues.

8. Improves Eyesight: Improvement in eyesight is one of the great benefits of coriander. The presence of Vitamins A and C, phosphorous and antioxidants help prevent and tackle infections like conjunctivitis and lessening strain and stress on eyes.

9. Anti-Cancer Properties: Coriander is a medicinal herb. According to reviews collected from cancer-related laboratory studies, its antioxidant properties, coupled with the presence of a component called linalool, which is plentiful in coriander, is actively responsible for exhibiting anti-cancer effects.

10. Reduces Inflammation: Inflammation can contribute to a number of health ailments like arthritis, heart diseases and certain types of cancer. The antioxidants present in coriander exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. This may be helpful in reducing inflammation in the body naturally.

Skin Benefits of Coriander:

Coriander has proved to be an effective natural remedy for beauty related problems. By using it topically and even through consumption, coriander can help improve the health and appearance of your skin. This is how they help: 

1) Coriander leaves are rich in antioxidants while possessing natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. This helps in tackling quite a few skin problems like acne, blackheads, redness, skin irritation, dermatitis and even eczema. 

2) As mentioned in the above paragraphs, coriander is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. These help in reducing the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles on the skin. 

3) Coriander also has the ability to absorb oil from the skin, which is immensely useful for people with oily skin.

Try adding coriander while making fresh vegetable juices, soups and other recipes and also use them in face packs to gain maximum benefits.

Hair Benefits of Coriander:

Fresh coriander leaves are a natural cure in tackling hair loss and promoting healthy hair growth. Here is how, coriander can benefit your hair:

1) Coriander is rich in Vitamins A, K and E along with proteins, volatile oils and minerals. This aids in strengthening hair roots and stimulating new hair growth. No wonder why this herb is famously used among ladies in making homemade hair packs to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

2) Coriander has natural anti-fungal properties. Using them topically can help reduce and treat dandruff and other scalp conditions.

3) It can be used as a natural hair conditioner to add luster and shine to your hair. 

I hope this post has helped you know more about this wonderous, and versatile herb called coriander. Whether you are using it in your cooking or topically as a natural remedy, incorporating coriander into your daily routine is a great way to add essential nutrients to your body and improve your overall health and wellbeing. 

Also Read: Why You Should Eat Okra (Lady's Fingers) Regularly - Know Its Health Benefits


  1. Thanks for sharing the great information regarding hair and skin health. I suggest one of the best herbal hair care oil, It will chance to cure your hair loss problem.

  2. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on food for stomach health
